CEng – PDU Application



    Name of Training Provider


    Contact No.


    Industry Sector

    Event Title

    Event/Application Type

    Event Date

    Event Time

    Event Venue

    Contact Hours/Proposed STU (exclude break time)

    Please upload the following information

    Event Synopsis

    Speaker/Lecturer Profile

    Event Flyer

    Programme Timetable/Training Agenda (including break times)

    Note to training providers:

    1. Application for CEng-PDU should be submitted at least one month before commencement of event.
    2. Application course title and date should be the same as what you would inform your participants. To make any amendments, you can submit a re-application and request secretariat to delete the earlier application.
    3. CENG-PDU points awarded should be clearly stated in the proof of attendance given to participants.
    4. If your application has been successfully qualified for CEng-PDU, you are reminded to provide the below supporting attendance proof to Chartered Engineer Registry (enquiry@charteredengineers.sg) not later than 1 month after completion of the activity.Completed Excel Attendance Submission Template.
      • Training Provider is responsible to collate and record important information on attendee full names as per NRIC/FIN nos. and registration nos. in the Excel Attendance Submission Template and forward to Chartered Engineer Registry.
    5. Training provider is advised to indicate ‘(CPD Programme: CEng-PDU)’ as part of the event information.